Two 阿宾顿艺术学院 featured in Philadelphia exhibitions

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部分 Resistance/Persistence (It Takes Us to Make You) by 黎明Kramlich, 艺术 faculty at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校. 木炭, 狡猾的人, and encaustic on panel; 18 inches x 53 inches scanned and printed to seven and half feet x 22 feet. 


阿宾顿,爸爸. -两个人创作的作品 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 艺术 faculty are debuting in exhibitions in Philadelphia this fall, one at the Philadelphia International Airport and the other at the 国家自由博物馆 in Old City.  

"Resistance/Persistence (It Takes Us to Make You)", by 黎明Kramlich,讲师 艺术 and 艺术 history, was selected for the yearlong "这是费城特有的”展览, 部分是全国公认的, award-winning 艺术 initiative in the Philadelphia airport terminals. She developed the piece initially measuring 18 inches by 53 inches on panel, and then the exhibition managers used a high-tech scanner to enlarge it to 7 and a half feet by 22 feet. 

“It’s an amazing opportunity for thousands and thousands of people to view my work, 否则他们可能看不到,克拉姆里克说. 

Her 艺术 practice is centered on the poetry-painting connection, but also in the ways in which everyone's relationship with words has shifted with the internet. 

“What happens when we translate ourselves through a screen and then add meme culture to the mix? I feel the need to dig into it and how culture has shifted over the last two decades. My generation is the only generation to grow up with and without the internet, so it’s imperative for those who have that experience to share it,”她说。. 

Kramlich, who never worked in visual 艺术 until she was an undergraduate, brings a unique mindset into the classroom at 阿宾顿. 

“I’m a logophile, and my love for words helps me guide non-艺术 majors in ways not everyone considers. My left brain connects with engineering majors, 例如, and helps me bridge gaps that otherwise might exist. I make connections using ekphrasis so I can say something in different ways and connect with more and different learners. I think differently and consistently about what text and images signify, and it assists my ability to explain things to students,”她说。. 


威廉Cromar, 艺术副教授, his multimedia piece "La Trahison des Signes (The Treachery of Signs)" is featured in the exhibition 真理* 在城市的 国家自由博物馆 至5月.  

The video installation is comprised of 42 individual projections of his wife’s mouth, speaking about 100 different phrases that might be considered controversial or whose meanings can shift depending on the speaker. The piece is silent, and the mouths are projected into individual surgical masks. 

“Overall, the exhibit explores the slippery nuances of truth as it appears in public discourse. The notion was for me what does truth mean in a post-truth world? I was ruminating about it and landed on the idea that it becomes dangerous territory when two different people say the same words, 它们的意思是相反的,克罗马说. 

“关键术语有模棱两可的含义, a term such as ‘good people’ means vastly different things to different groups. The words 'lie' and 'truth' and other things are loaded words in these times,” he said. 

It took Cromar about 50 hours to render the video, and it was challenging to get them to sync. When it came time to install the mouth-shaped piece at the museum, he relied on the iconic hairspray AquaNet to stabilize it. 

Cromar’s teaching focuses on new media, and he is the director of the campus MakerSpace. 在艺术实践中, 他混合了各种建筑风格, 音乐, 动画, and 艺术making into a unique body of sculptural and installation 艺术. Cromar was one of three collaborators who received a Silver Medal at the International Biennial of Architecture in Bulgaria for the film "order through geometry," produced with a grant from the National Endowment for the 艺术s.  


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